Ishwar Singh Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School

(Recognised and Aided) Affilated with CBSE (2630019) Sector-21-C, Chandigarh

  • UDISE CODE - 04011200303
  • SCHOOL CODE - 23008


Library is a nerve centre of our Institution. It is well equipped, ventilated and spacious. In our school hundreds of books on various subjects like Science, Mathematics, Computers, Literature and Languages. Encyclopedia Volumes, General Knowledge and Current Affairs Series, Magazines and Journals meet the student’s curiosity and inspire in them quest for knowledge and exploration. The school library exists to provide a range of learning opportunities for both large and small groups as well as individuals with a focus on intellectual content, information literacy, and the learner. In addition to classroom visits with collaborating teachers, the school library also serves as a place for students to do independent work and research materials; to host special events such as book clubs; and for tutoring and testing. The school library media center program is a collaborative venture in which school library media specialists, teachers, and administrators work together to provide opportunities for the social, cultural, and educational growth of students.