Ishwar Singh Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School

(Recognised and Aided) Affilated with CBSE (2630019) Sector-21-C, Chandigarh

  • UDISE CODE - 04011200303
  • SCHOOL CODE - 23008

The School is Govt. Aided School and is permanent recognised by Chandigarh Education Department. The Affiliation No. of School is 2630019 and School Code is 23008 "The Dev Samaj" Society is registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 w.e.f. 14th June 1948-49.

Result Class - X

Sr.No. Year No. of Registered
No. of Students
Pass Percentage Remarks
1 2018 114 93 81.58
2 2019 126 126 100
3 2020 134 130 97.01
4 2021 151 151 100
5 2022 156 158 99.35
6 2023 148 145 97.97

Result Class - XII

Sr.No. Year No. of Students
No. of Students
Pass Percentage Remarks
1 2018 203 184 90.64
2 2019 182 168 92.31
3 2020 217 212 97.7
4 2021 235 235 100
5 2022 241 239 99.17
6 2023 301 293 97.34


For academic year 2023-2024 the examination would be conducted for classes IX and X as per the remodeled assessment structure explained below

Subject Total Marks Periodic Assessment
Language 1 Student has to Secure 33% marks in each subject out of 80 marks Components of Internal Assessment Pen Paper Test 5 Marks
Language 2 Final Examination for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus Multiple Assessment strategies to be used. (quizzes, oral test, concept map, exit cards, visual expression etc.) 5 Marks
Science 9- point grading will be followed Portfolio (Classwork plus peer assessment, self-assessment, achievements of students in the subject, reflections, narrations, journals, etc) 5 Marks
Maths Subject Enrichment Social Science Project Work No changes in other subjects 5 Marks
Social Science

For academic year 2020-2021 the examination would be conducted for class III to VIII as per the remodeled assessment structure explained below

Subject Term -1(100 marks) (1st half of the session) 20 marks periodic assessment + 80 marks for half Yearly exam Term -2(100 marks) (2nd half of the session) 20 marks periodic assessment + 80 marks for half Yearly exam
Language 1 PA 20 marks Half Yearly Exam PA 20 marks Yearly Exam
Language 2
  • Periodic Test 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement by school.
  • Note book submission 5 marks at term end
  • Sub Enrichment 5 marks at term end
  • Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of Half Yearly exam dates by school
  • Periodic Test
  • 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement term end of test dates by School
  • Note book submission 5 marks at term end
  • Sub Enrichment 5 marks at term end
  • Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus coverage
  • Class VI: 10% of 1st term 1st term covering significant syllabus of 2nd term
  • Class VII: 20% of 5 marks at term end 1st term Covering significant topics+ entire syllabus of 2nd term.
  • Class VIII: 30% of 1st term significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term
Language 3
Mathe- matics
Social -Science


For academic year 2020-2021 the examination would be conducted for class Ill to VIII as per the remodeled assessment structur e explained below

Activity Areas and Objectives (AS PRESCRIBED in the SCHEME of STUDIES for SUBJECTS of Internal ASSESSMENT)
Work education or Pre vocational education Student has to Secure 33% marks in each subject out of 80 marks Work education is a distinct curricular area for students for participation in social, economic and welfare activities
Art Education By the concerned Teacher Art Education is animportant activity for development of wholesome personality of the students. Students will select one or more forms of creative arts.
Health & Physical By the Education. (Sports/Martial Arts/Yoga/NCC) By the P.E. Teacher Health & physical Activity will be given a regular period Students will be trained in the area of their interest. Indigenous sports, yoga and NCC will be encouraged in the schools creating a sense of Physical fitness, discipline, sportsmanship, patriotism, self sacrifice and health care.

DISCIPLINE (Attendance, Sincerity, Behavior, VALUES): Discipline plays an important role in building character. Sincerity, good behavior and values develop strength and foster unity and Co- operation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced. Class Teacher will be responsible for grading the students on five point scale (A-E).


Examination System is applicable as per C.B.S.E. New Delhi pattern followed earlier.

Class XI - Internal Examination.

Class XII- External, Board Examination.

Test/Examination will be conducted as under

Schools should promote co-curricular activities for the holistic development of the students, these activities will be graded on a 5- point grading scale (A-E) and will have no descriptive indicators. No up scaling of grade will be done

Month Pre- Primary & I - II III to VIII IX X XI XII
May ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Unit Test-I
July P.T.-I P.T.-I P.T.-I P.T.-I Unit Test-I Unit Test-II
September Half Yearly Half Yearly P.T.-II P.T.-II Term-I Term-I
December P.T.-II P.T.-II P.T.III P.T.III Term-II Term-II
January ---- ---- ---- Pre-Board Unit Test-II Pre-Board
Feb/March Final Exams Final Exams Final Exams Final Exams Final Exams Final Exams

The tentative schedule for conducting these tests/examinations is as given above. In case of change as per C.B.S.E. guidelines, students will be informed accordingly.